I have returned from the land of the constantly-puking! It’s a 24-hour bug, which may not be of much comfort to those in its grasp. Visit the medical tent and fear not the IV fluids!
While I awoke feeling radically better, which itself was partially due to sleeping most of the previous afternoon, I elected not to ride. Instead I spent the day refueling and rehydrating.
Jessica took the camera on the road, and returned with some shots of the famed Red Dress Day. Red is, of course, the color of HIV/AIDS awareness. And while I’m sure Day 5 started out as “Dress in Red Day,” it was long ago contracted and reversed into plain old “Red Dress Day.”
David Haya, looking fetching in his red plaid Utilikilt and matching jacket. Nice work, Dave. A very masculine choice for Red Dress Day.
Red shoe covers are somewhat pedestrian, but the judges give significant extra credit for the tutu.

Alright! Now we’re talking!
Those are all 100% natural, too. Dude can bench press a house.
For those of you wondering, my leg is fine. It looks gnarly, but I’m healing as the bruise slowly moves south.
Tomorrow I'll be back in the saddle for the long roll to Ventura. Hooray!!