Several team members joined the AIDS/LifeCycle official Day on The Ride. It was a simulation, although only 70 miles it exposed riders to port-a-pottys, snack filled rest stops, and costumed volunteers. Isabelle and Laura rocked the day. Isabelle is a super strong rider and takes the time to stop and shoot photos. For an I-Phone the water shots came out great.
Isabelle snapped the water photos with a great sun shining.
Isabelle & Jan in motion, (captured by the pros)
Laura riding out with the group of >350 riders. All 3 of the women on the PG&E team rode.
Isabelle snapped the water photos with a great sun shining.
Isabelle is in the bright green jacket, with the big smile, during the pre-ride ALC talk to 350 riders.
Laura coming down one of many hills that day. |
Laura riding out with the group of >350 riders. All 3 of the women on the PG&E team rode.