Red Dress Day...
- is a day everybody wears red!
Okok, I can do better.
Red Dress Day...
- is a day everybody takes a little bit longer in the morning to get fabulously red and beautiful; and getting chased by the caboose (sag wagon) later is totally worth it
- is the shortest day (42 miles) on the ride and the day we climb and climb and cliiiiiiimb our way from Santa Maria to Lompoc
- is a day we raise awareness by forming a human "red ribbon" on the switchbacks of CA-1
- is a day we get honked at and stared at the most by other drivers on the road. And rightfully so, allow me to explain.
At 6am, I opened my tent doors to this lovely sight...

Brian and Michael, wishing the world a good morning.
And then it just continued...

You can trust us to fight your crime, we're professionals. Tom, Brian, Ben, Nick and Lori - superheroes!

Ben Ly striking a pose while waiting for a red light.

Lunchtime entertainment was a creative rendition of "The Voice".

Lori and Nick get CPR training during lunch! We're hoping this satisfies the mandatory training requirement.

Red red red, as far as the eye could see.

Back at camp, at the official teeth brushing tree.

Nick showcases how he keeps warm each night.
Also, not to confuse the matter, but here are some photos from previous days and other phones and cameras. Thanks Jan!

Emilia and Vinnie, our awesome Lunchie Roadies who tell us where to go, where to park, where to sanitize our hands, what's for lunch, and on occasion.... even help charge our phones in their trucks during the day (a HOT commodity on the ride).

Team Mom (Jan) finally gets a break!

How many PG&E-ers does it take to....

I know! It's a lot!
Good night! Now where are my ear plugs?