Saturday, May 31, 2014

Day Zero

Back row:  Tim, Rick, Glen, Erica, Harley, Owen, Mark
Front row: Larry, Jan, David

Photo of our team in street clothes.
Day zero we watch a safety video & complete our registration.  It is filled with lines and more lines, to get us ready for the week of lines.  On the ride we have lines for food, showers, toilets (guess I should say port-a-potties).  The love bubble has begun; 2300 cyclists and more than 600 volunteers, all taking care of each other, encouraging each other, in our effort to end HIV/AIDS.  We will meet Sunday at 5:30 am & ride out about 6:30, on our first leg to Santa Cruz.

Monday, May 26, 2014

East Bay riders take last training ride of the season, tapering off, only 50 miles

Harley, Owen, Jan, Larry and David, debut our new Power of Blue, PG&E jerseys.  We took our last training ride of the season, through San Ramon, Dublin, Pleasanton, Livermore and Danville.  Mostly flat, but hot and windy.
 We are ready to go 545 miles from SF to LA, starting June 1st!  Follow us on this blog.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Training ride, May 10, 2014

Owen & Jan before the decent down Calaveras Rd.
Owen & Jan at the top of Calaveres Road, just a bit past the reservoir, 1/2 way through a training ride, with 55 miles to go.  Two firsts for Owen.  His 1st Century & his 1st time to the top of Calaveres Rd.  This is just one of many training rides the team members do, to prepare for the week long 545 mile ride, that will start June 1, from SF to LA.  We were part of a group of 65 riders, all supported by volunteers.  The training rides start out at 30 miles long in January, gradually increasing to 100 milers, 3 weeks before the ride.