Thursday, June 4, 2015

Day 5 - Santa Maria to Lompoc (42 miles)

Day 5 was cloudy, foggy and hilly but only 42 miles!  We were grateful for a low mileage day... and grateful for the volunteer Roadies that stood in the cold to help riders get through the day safely.  Thank you Jan, Dave, Larry and Emilia!

Today was also Red Dress Day! What's Red Dress Day? Every rider dresses in red to form a red ribbon of cyclists as we climb the windy hills.  

Some photos from the day:

Mariana and a sea of red, slowly making it through the traffic signals of Santa Maria.

Team PG&E lifeguards saving Herb from... We don't know.

Followed by a HUGE pizza (second dinner) courtesy of Herb while we supported our Golden State Warriors.  Good win, Warriors!

Last night, PG&E was also recognized as one of the top corporate teams for raising more than $60,000!  :)