Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Day 4: Paso Robles to Santa Maria, 97 miles

No pictures from me today. Reason 1, I left the memory card in my laptop, which went into the gear truck this morning. Reason 2, I took the day off due to illness and general exhaustion.

As it turns out, a saucer-sized open wound on the upper thigh is a really great entry point for a GI virus. The “G” part hit me early this morning (goodbye salmon dinner!) and the “I” part has been on-going but improving throughout the day (hello gallon of diluted Gatorade!).

The medical staff of ALC has been fantastic. Caring, supportive, understanding. This has been a terrific place to get injured and sick.

Here are two pictures from Jackie. Today went past the halfway mark. The traditional photo op is with bike raised overhead at a scenic viewpoint atop Highway 46. The sweeping view south to Morro Rock is majestic (and a good place to get engaged, in my experience). Jackie, as I mentioned previously, likes to celebrate her own way, so here’s the halfway celebration on a flat piece well after the nasty climb.

The route returned to Highway 1 this morning, and passed through the sprawling metropolis of Harmony.

Here's Jessica at the official halfway point. There were free brownies on offer, too.