Monday, May 21, 2018

ALC is almost here, training hard

Great team rides this weekend. Saturday, 6 riders, 60 miles, then team meeting/ prep talks about items to pack, how logistics will work for camping all week, travel to and from, important details, etc.

 Brandon, our newest member, on his longest ride ever, and a few short but very steep climbs.

 Brandon and Jason coming up Cross Rd in Livermore
 Jason & Jan, thanks to Isabelle, our fastest strongest rider to forges ahead to take photos.
 Julio over the top of Cross Rd.
 Julio, almost to the top, not sure the grade, Garmin sometimes lies, but it was steep at top.
 Lunch at the PG&E site, Western Regional Lineman's Rodeo in Livermore,
Jan in front, Isabelle, Brandon, Jim, Jason & Julio.
After we changed out clothes for team party/meeting. Keith, Jim, Julio, Tom, Jan, David, Mary, Isabelle, Larry and Brandon.