Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Day 2, 109 miles from Santa Cruz to King City

Helllllllo friends!

Day 2 is complete and we made it to windy King City!

Alarms were going off throughout the tent city around 4:45am, so we were all up and in line for breakfast by 5am! Some of us (Jan, Nic, Khaled, Nash and others) were super fast and on the road by 6:45am. Others (ahem, Lori and Theresa) took a little to get sleepy out of our systems and weren't on the road until 7:30am... This made for a difficult "team ride" but from the camp site conversations it sounds like everybody did very well and was feeling strong!

Wind was our best and worst friend today, fairly calm in the morning then powerful at our backs as we continued south towards King City. Sometime after lunch there was sideways wind (what the!) and headwind, but we tried our best to forget those! The route was 108 miles of rolling agricultural fields, which could only mean one thing; the (deep fried) artichoke stop! Now well fed, we made our way into the town of Gonzalez where we met the Miss ALC contestants:

and found familiar faces:

and even made some new friends

Then it was on to lunch,

and miles of vineyards. Some are saying it was a good thing we have to ride single file and one bike length apart (safety first) because that giant burrito had a lot of beans!

Tomorrow we'll do it again; can't wait to get to the BBQ in Bradley!

Keep Calm and Pedal On,

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